Yearbook Grades 9-12
Order Your High School Yearbook Follow this information ONLY to order a yearbook for students currently in Grades 9-12. It is recommended that students should purchase a yearbook by Friday, Feb. 16, 2024.
Price: $60; cost increases $5 on Jan. 1. Sales continue through the end of the academic year.
Personalization: $8, order by Oct. 14 and receive up to four free icons.
Note: Save a copy of your purchase. No refunds are given for ordering an incorrect yearbook or inadvertently double ordering a yearbook.
Ordering: Purchase your Midlakes High School Reflections Yearbook by visiting JOSTENS (click on link).
Price: $60; cost increases $5 on Jan. 1. Sales continue through the end of the academic year.
Personalization: $8, order by Oct. 14 and receive up to four free icons.
Note: Save a copy of your purchase. No refunds are given for ordering an incorrect yearbook or inadvertently double ordering a yearbook.
Ordering: Purchase your Midlakes High School Reflections Yearbook by visiting JOSTENS (click on link).
Senior Recognition Ads
Families may purchase recognition or "Happy" advertisements and other personalized items by visiting JOSTENS (click on link). Contact Ms. Stratton at to submit hard copy photos or messages. Due by Jan. 31.
Senior Portraits: Due Nov. 1
The school’s yearbook staff seeks to ensure that they will receive photographs of high quality with consistent size, lighting, and color balance. Our objective is to ensure that all seniors receive equal representation in their senior portrait section of the yearbook.
- Senior portraits do not have to be done by a professional photographer. Students can choose to use their school ID photo. All pictures must meet the following specifications.
- Ideally, the picture should be a head and shoulders pose, with the head and shoulders directly facing the camera. However, if the student has a photo that meets ALL the criteria below but is not just head/shoulders – please do NOT crop it down. The yearbook staff will crop the photo once the photograph is placed on the page (see example).
- The pictures can be emailed directly to Brie Stratton ( or students can bring in a hard copy of the picture with the student’s name on the back. All pictures will be returned. Mail to the attention of Ms. Stratton, Midlakes High School, Rte. 488, Clifton Springs, NY 14432
- Screenshots and pictures downloaded/saved from sites like Facebook are not acceptable (they do not reproduce well).
- The final deadline for submitting yearbook portraits is November 1.
- The background must be a plain light color.
- Please observe the following restrictions:
- NO OVER THE SHOULDER (head and shoulders must face forward).
- NO HANDS (by your face).
- Proper dress (school dress code must be observed).
- Sharp, clear prints (no soft or defused prints).
- Outdoor pictures are allowed but should have a light colored background and follow all the above criteria.
- Midlakes Reflections Yearbook reserves the right to reject any photo it considers inappropriate, offensive, violates the school dress code, or does not comply with the above criteria.
BABY PICTURES are due NOVEMBER 1 and can be emailed to Ms. Stratton at or mailed to the above address. Be sure to write the student's name on the back of the photograph. Photographs will be returned.
Courtesy of Photographer Jen Price and the McCann Family.
Submitting Other Photographs
The Midlakes High School Reflections Yearbook offers students a chance to submit photographs of any events and activities involving students on or off campus for publication. Maybe it's a great photo of you and your friends dressed up for spirit day? Perhaps a parent took an amazing action shot during a game. We want your photos to help represent the school year.
The staff can only use photographs where we can identify everyone in them. Please be sure to provide the FIRST/LAST NAME, GRADE, and a brief DESCRIPTION of those included in the photograph. Also, provide your contact information in case there is a question.
Business Advertisements
The Midlakes High School Yearbook staff invites you to support the yearbook by purchasing advertising space. Once finished, the book size is 8.5 x 11 inches and is in full color. Your support is appreciated and needed. The yearbook offers the following sizes and fees.
- QUARTER PAGE (4.25 x 4.75 inches): $80
- EIGHTH PAGE/BUSINESS CARD (2.5 x 4.25 inches): $45
- FULL PAGE: $300 (subject to availability)
Please send a business card, electronic ad or a logo along with messages such as "Congratulations to the Class of 2023." Email any files to Ms. Stratton at Payment is due with receipt of your information. Payment due on February 1. Make all checks payable to the Midlakes Reflection Yearbook.