Begin K, UPK Enrollment Today!
Families residing in the Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School District may begin the 2025-2026 registration process for incoming kindergartners by completing an online form at to receive important updates and information on enrollment, screening, and more.
►Kindergarten Pre-Registration
►UPK Registration
Children turning 5 years old by December 1, 2025, are eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 2025. All incoming kindergartners must register with the District.
Families can complete the registration process in-person from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., April 8 and 9; and 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., April 10. Families may use Door 22 at Midlakes Elementary School.
Screenings will be later in the school year with placements announced a few weeks before school starts in September. For more information, contact Kim Maher at or (315) 548-6900. Families interested in the Universal Pre-Kindergarten offered in partnership with Our Children’s Place can find more information at